
New report uncovers bias against faith-based pre-K providers

Despite recent United States Supreme Court rulings affirming religious neutrality in public education, a new Manhattan Institute report reveals that many publicly funded pre-K programs across the United States continue to exclude faith-based providers. The practice violates the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution and undermines the Supreme Court’s clear mandate for government neutrality toward religion, the...

David N. Bass

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A primer on religious expression in NC public schools

With traditional calendar school districts getting underway in late August across North Carolina, many parents might be wondering about what is and isn’t permissible for religious expression in public school classrooms. The issue has been in the news again this week due to calls from GOP superintendent of public instruction candidate Michele Morrow to begin...

David N. Bass

Asheville residents assaulted during “Anarchist Bookfair”

Three Jewish Asheville residents were attacked while attending an event at the West Asheville Public Library on Saturday, June 29th. The three victims reported an altercation followed by assault at the “Strategic Lessons from the Palestinian Resistance” event.

Katherine Zehnder