Multiple candidates from the newly certified Constitution Party of North Carolina filed with the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) to be on the ballot for the general election this fall.
This follows last week’s certification of the Constitution Party, officially giving them access to the ballot. The official approval for ballot access coming after months of back and forth between the NCSBE and the aspiring political party.
In a press release, Vinny Smith, the Constitution Party’s gubernatorial candidate, told of how thousands of North Carolinians shared their concerns with him during the Party’s ballot access drive.
“The solution to your issues and concerns are not in government,” Smith said in as statement. “The solution is both spiritual and natural, in God our Father and we the people. Spiritually, scripture tells us that with God all things are possible, and Jesus says, “without me ye can do nothing.” We must seek God and pray to Him for His guidance and direction. Naturally, we, the citizens of North Carolina, must read and understand the US Constitution and NC Constitution and hold our elected officials to their job description outlined in them. As citizens of North Carolina, we are the employer, and our elected officials are the employee. The government works for us and are accountable to us. As Governor, I will work for and answer first to Almighty God and then to my employer, the citizens of North Carolina.”
Smith is a former naval intelligence officer who promised to take his oath of office seriously, support the Constitution and laws of the country and the state, and faithfully perform the office’s duties.
Kevin Hayes, of the Constitution Party, filed to run in Congressional District 6, challengingTrump-endorsed Republican Addison McDowell who had no competition on the ballot until now.
“As I enter this race for the 6th, I look forward to taking on the hard issues that face the 6th district,” said Hayes upon filing. “I will make the commitment to the citizens of the 6th district that I will take serious my oath of office and never vote for anything that violates the Constitution. It’s time the citizens send someone to Washington to fight for them and not special interest. Unlike my opponent, I’ve never been a paid lobbyist. I am a normal citizen who understands what it’s like to be overtaxed and overregulated by the heavy hand of government. As a small business owner, I will fight for small businesses and the average person. Some of my top priorities in Congress will be to end the Federal Reserve, hold those accountable for the covid issues, bring education home where it belongs, secure the border, and get spending under control. Both parties have wasted our taxpayer’s money and it’s beyond time it stops. It’s time we send an outsider to Washington not an insider. Today marks the beginning of a new day for freedom, and I encourage the citizens of the 6th and across NC to join with me as we take on the uniparty in Washington.”
Constitution Party candidate Wayne Jones is running for lieutenant governor. Jones will run against Hal Weatherman, the Republican nominee, and Sen. Rachel Hunt, the Democratic nominee, to replace sitting Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson.
“The party grabbed my eye when I was at a gun show,” said Jones. “I was already pretty much disgusted with the two-party system, and lo and behold, walked through the gun show, ran into Kevin Hayes, talked to him, and saw his literature and their core values.”
Wayne told the Carolina Journal that during the petition drive, many people told him that they weren’t registered to vote or quit voting because they felt it didn’t matter. Jones found this disturbing and seized this opportunity to take a stance and do something.
“My biggest hope would be to get everyone united; We’re too tribal,” said Jones, concerning what he hopes to accomplish if elected.
According to a press release, the NCSBE’s recognition of the Constitution party means that voters now have another choice of party affiliation when registering to vote or updating their registration.