“Politics may not be in the blood, but it could be in the genes. That’s the theory a team of political scientists and geneticists is trying to prove with extensive studies of twins, genes and brain scans. … Genetic researchers are trying to prove that social attitudes can be inherited, and have discovered strong correlations between the two.”

—”Scientists study political-genetic link,” Associated Press report, Nov. 2, 2006

From the Get-Go

by Devlish Pressthink

As genes don’t lie …
Cut and dry, there’s no alternative
If a baby’s born conservative
From the get-go.

Let his mama cry —
‘Cause there’ll be one thing that she can’t hush,
It’s her little brat who’ll listen to Rush
From the get-go.

People, don’t you understand
That mom needs a helping hand
Or she might raise a Republican some day!
Take a look at you and me —
Are we too blind to see?
Do we simply turn our heads
And look the other way?

Should our heads turn?
Should this funny little boy with the funny views
Votes in the polls, cause some libs to lose
From the get-go?

For his mind’ll burn
And he’ll start to roam the Internet
And he’ll learn how to blog
And he’ll learn how to write
From the get-go.

Then one night in desperation
The kid’ll break away —
He’ll buy a gun, work for pay,
Go to church, he might even pray
And his mom’ll cry.

Oh, the Left will fret this conservative —
Face up, on his feet, independent of them —
From the get-go.

As this fetus lies
In the warm and comfortable womb untorn,
Should we risk another conservative born
From the get-go?