Liberals aren’t the only ones who think evangelical Christians are simpletons who have a narrow list of “morals” issues on their minds when they enter the voting booth.

You need only watch the behavior of the dominant media, who monolithically follow a tired reporting template, to realize that most don’t bother to look any further than the same old talking heads and public policy organizations. And it isn’t just the liberal media (Washington Post, New York Times) who are in lockstep; others like the Washington Times and Fox News don’t deviate much from the pattern either.

The talking heads are most frequently the Revs. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and Dr. James Dobson. The conservative social issue advocacy organizations are the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, the Traditional Values Coalition, and the like.

I guess if you say loud enough and long enough that you represent “values voters,” the media will believe you and come running. It’s not too difficult to convince them. Add to that the findings that in the last presidential election voters said they made their choices predominantly based on “moral values,” and you complicate the situation. But what that meant from the perspective of each individual voter is unclear.

The problem is, the “religious right” talking heads are all too glad to perpetuate their unwritten agreement with the media orgs just so long as they get their regular exposure. While doing so, however, they leave the impression with the broader news-consuming population that those few “family” issues are all they care about.

But go to your local evangelistic Christian church on any Sunday and ask the politically aware (few are, sadly) what their chief concerns are about the country, and the answers will be little, if any, different from what you hear from anyone else. Issue No. 1 likely is: Do I have the promise of a job to provide for my family? No. 2 (and closely related to No. 1): Can I afford in the current economy to meet my family’s needs? From there the answers will vary, but among the next few will be the topics that are currently hot on talk radio: immigration, the war in Iraq, national security, and public corruption. The point is, you won’t hear in unison from the churchgoers, “Abortion!” “Homosexuals!” “Pornography!” “Evolution!” — but that’s what the current media emphasis would have you think.

So how do you develop proper God-fearing conservative advocacy without coming across as limited, irrelevant, and ignorant to the “bigger” issues?

The answer is, all the issues have moral implications, so don’t ignore the ones that are of broader concern. For example, is redistributing wealth in order to help the impoverished the moral thing for government to do? Or should government let individuals have more of their own money to determine which charities are most worthwhile to receive their dollars?

Or the war: Is the moral position to intervene in foreign countries where dictators trample human rights and commit genocide? Or is the moral high ground with those who avoid foreign entanglements?

What the “religious right” pundits and organizations should do is apply their worldview to everything that concerns mankind — not just their limited “family values” list — and then crank out papers and opinions that reflect those beliefs.
Perhaps then they will be viewed as more relevant, and their “values” won’t be limited to abortion and family in the eyes of the media and the overall public. And those churchgoing constituents may be romanced more frequently than just in election years.

Paul Chesser is associate editor of Carolina Journal.