School choice was a prudent wager
Proponents believe our school-choice policies will help North Carolina recover lost ground. In the coming years, experience will test this prediction.
Proponents believe our school-choice policies will help North Carolina recover lost ground. In the coming years, experience will test this prediction.
Under no circumstances should the ordinary operation of state and local government be contingent on federal funding (or borrowing).
At the very least, North Carolina’s congressional delegation should press the administration to slow down and take a more methodical approach to trade policy.
Giving physician assistants more freedom to deliver care isn’t a new, untested idea. It’s already happening elsewhere. North Carolina should be next.
The Charlotte and Triangle regions are clearly economic and population powerhouses. But they aren’t the only drivers of North Carolina’s growth.
We have already entered a new Cold War with a new Axis, and policymakers inside and outside Washington need to understand fully its implications.
In places where the regulatory climate makes it easier to build new homes, it’s easier for people to find housing at affordable prices. No, really, please bear with me. I know my proposition sounds improbable. Could there truly be a direct link between the cost of building apartments and houses and the cost of renting...
We live and work in a mostly free economy — but a spate of year-end stories demonstrated a prominent exception. Triad Business Journal reported that Novant Health, based in Winston-Salem, sought permission to build a $249 million hospital in Asheville focused on cancer treatment. Its application was denied in favor of a rival proposal from...
I once wrote a musical play with a character who spoke almost exclusively in words beginning with “a.” The practice was, in her own words, “awesome” and “awfully annoying.” Her appellation was Alpha. Actually, she was the first volume of an encyclopedia come to life. Most characters in the show, Turn the Page, were either...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, student performance fell across much of the United States. According to a new study of 2022 math and reading scores, however, North Carolina students suffered one of the country’s biggest tumbles. For describing cross-state differences in educational outcomes, I’ve long relied on the Urban Institute’s analysis of data...
Nearly 90% say it is “important” that “a new Democratic governor and a Republican-led General Assembly try to reach compromise on important issues.”
According to post-election surveys, true swing voters comprise about a fifth of the electorate in both North Carolina and the nation.