Money does not have a causal relationship with a baby’s brain activity
Money cannot address all forms of anxiety or depression.
Money cannot address all forms of anxiety or depression.
The NC Supreme Court was certainly digging to find reasons to reject the lower court’s ruling on the NC General Assembly’s redistricting maps. One of the questions directed at the NCGA’s counsel that stood out to me came from Associate Justice Anita Earls when she was basically advocating for proportionality among political parties. She used...
When I was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina Charlotte, I investigated partisan gerrymandering and whether mathematical models produce fair congressional districts. Come to find out, it was a fool’s errand. I computed all kinds of maps using political data; however, the idea of fairness eluded me, as I could not determine...
“Gender Queer” is a controversial book written by Maia Kobabe and published in 2019. The book was recently removed from Wake County Public Libraries upon a formal review by staff. The review was prompted by a complaint about the book due to its explicit illustrations of sexual acts. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson had strongly criticized...
Say you are in a culturally mixed marriage, and you are discussing with your spouse how to discipline your child for bad marks in school. One parent comes from a background that emphasizes a strong educational upbringing, while the other comes from a family that never went to college, including themself. The parent from a...
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito asked Mississippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart “Are there secular philosophers and bioethicists who take the position that the rights of personhood begin at conception or at some point other than viability?” The question came up during oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case is...
Argument: If you are for the school system requiring students to be immunized against diseases, and COVID-19 is just another disease for which a reliable, safe vaccine is readily available, then you should not be against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines in schools. Readers may recognize that this is a syllogism—that is, it is an argument consisting...
NC Senator Julie Mayfield, D-Buncombe, said, “[b]ut he is not a Black woman, and I can’t disagree with the voices that say we just need more of that perspective.” Erica Smith, former NC Senator stated, “Do we need another white man in the Senate? No, we do not.” Lori Gilcrist, director of a nonprofit, told...
It is difficult to read arguments for or against policies when the premises are not aligned with the facts or the measures. In a recent piece published by our friends at NC Policy Watch, author Susan Demas, editor-in-chief of the Michigan Advance, attempts to persuade readers to adopt the belief that poverty can be eliminated...
Whether it is freedom from slavery or freedom to express one’s political philosophy, members of the Democratic Party and their media allies take issue with free-thinking black men. What is the point of the Democratic Party and their political allies promoting diversity and inclusion if all they will do is deny it oxygen when it...
[Editor’s note: This is part three of a three-part series from Joshua Peters on the discussion of race and the teaching of American history. Part one is available here and part two can be found here.] One may feel that we have reached the end of the analysis as we have demonstrated who is responsible...
[Editor’s note: This is part two of a three-part series from Joshua Peters on the discussion of race and the teaching of American history. Part one is available here.] In an effort to delineate in precise terms those responsible for black suffrage, there are three areas of interest: social, economic, and political. I will inspect...