Books found in school libraries showing and describing sexually explicit content have sparked calls for the General Assembly to further regulate obscene books accessible to children in schools across the state.
NC Values coalition is calling on the General Assembly to take action during the short session to address such pornographic content in schools. During a press conference this week, the group displayed various children’s books that are sexually inappropriate for young students. Some of the content is so obscene that it could not be shown publicly.
“It’s time for a statewide solution,” said Tami Fitzgerald, Executive Director of NC Values. “We should adopt statewide criteria for book selection to ensure books are educationally and age-appropriate, and to require schools to comply with North Carolina’s obscenity laws. This is specific criteria used to select books that are age-appropriate and that are not pornographic. So to say that this is about banning [books] is absolutely wrong.”
While opponents have called efforts to regulate school content “book banning,” advocates point out the same age-appropriate rating systems are in place for different forms of content such as movies, and songs.
NC Values told the Carolina Journal that in preparation for the press conference, they put together a foam board displaying a page from a book that is currently in North Carolina schools. Upon review from their attorney, however, the excerpt could not be displayed because it actually would violate obscenity laws if a child came to see it. The graphic image, from the book Fun Home, was shared with the Carolina Journal, but it is too graphic to display.
Pavement Education Project provides a list of obscene books found in schools, but the website requires users to first verify they are over the age of 18.
Those pushing for legislative action say their motive has nothing to do with gay or transgender ideas, as some critics have suggested, but rather strictly obscene sexual content. Polling shows around 70% of parents do not want obscene books in the schools. Brian Talbert, with Gays Against Groomers, pointed to the effects of porn on the adult mind, saying that these effects are going to be no different – or even worse –on children.
“We will always be committed to protecting the children here,” said Talbert at the press conference. “The predators are using gay inclusion and acceptance as a gateway to bring this filth into our schools and into the minds of our children. We will never allow that, as Gays Against Groomers, to ever go unchallenged in the state.”
Outspoken advocate Pastor Ronald Gates said some don’t want to hear the message coming from an African American claiming these books are showing evil, perverse language and graphic sexual positions that hurt the culture of black Americans.
“I have news for you,” Gates stated. “The majority of African Americans are some of the most opposed to having these grooming materials in the school system. A Rasmussen Report shows that an overwhelming 82% of African Americans oppose these books in the middle school and elementary school – more than Hispanic or white, who also overwhelmingly oppose these books.”
In attendance were Representatives Jeff Zenger, R–74, Ken Fontenot, R–24, and Neal Jackson, R-78. All three support the call for statewide standards that protect children from harmful content in schools. Highlighting bipartisan support, they said a law would create criteria with penalties to help control inappropriate material.
Although Speaker Tim Moore’s office has not responded to the issue, the group expects the legislature will take action this session.