On Wednesday, North Carolina Lt. Gov and Republican candidate for governor Mark Robinson addressed the controversy on the Pete Kaliner Show on WBT Radio in Charlotte, surrounding a talk he gave at a church in White Lake on June 30.

CBS 17 in Raleigh asked Robinson following the first Medal of Valor ceremony taking place at the General Assembly on Wednesday morning to clarify what he meant when he said, “some folks need killing” during his remarks at the church.

While he didn’t address the question, Robinson did say it was shameful that the media was asking such a question, besmirching Lt. Lyndsey Moses-Winnings of the Craven County Sheriff’s Office winning the award.

Robinson did, however, talk with Kaliner on his show about how disappointed he was with the media and those on the far left about their dishonesty by taking things out of context to suit their narrative. He explained that the whole tone of the speech at the church was about the sacrifices that people have made over the years in the country to preserve our freedom and fight against those who want to win wars against us and destroy our way of life, which fit in with the theme of Independence Day approaching.

“Mark Robinson makes North Carolina less safe,” said Anderson Clayton, chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, in a post Wednesday on X. “It’s jarring and irresponsible for the sitting lieutenant governor and Republican nominee for governor to say something so reckless and so clearly intended to incite violence.”

“They chose one phrase that they didn’t like, took it out of context, and tried to use it as a weapon, but again, it’s just a symbol of their dishonesty,” Robinson told Kaliner. “These folks don’t have anything to stand on. They have zero successes from the federal level all the way down. They don’t have any successes on the border, and they don’t have any success with the economy.”

He got choked up talking about his children and grandchildren during the speech at Lake Church and told the congregation to think about the parents and grandparents who would never welcome their children and grandchildren home again after being killed during World War II.

Robinson followed it up, talking about a trip he took to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and seeing a care package that was sent to a soldier who died in the war. He also talked about the Iran and Iraq war veterans who are now living on the streets while those who cross the border “live in luxury hotels.”

He said, “we have Google, so we don’t need God anymore” and have forgotten our founding ideas and the concepts that we’re fighting for and now find ourselves struggling with people who have evil intent.

Robinson continued by saying that the US used to meet evil on the battlefield and killed it without quibbling, arguing, or fighting about it. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the US flew to Japan and killed the Japanese Army and Navy, and nobody quibbled about it, he said.

The next part of his speech is where things get taken out of context.

“We didn’t argue and capitulate and talk about, well, maybe we shouldn’t fight the Nazis,” Robinson says. “That’s hard. No, they’re bad. Kill them. Some liberal somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful. Too bad. Get mad at me if you want to. Some folks need killing. It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity.”

Robinson went on to say that there are wicked people doing wicked things in the country, including torture, murder, and rape, and that it’s time to call out “those guys in green and the boys in blue” and have them go handle it because it is time to start handling our business again.

He told Kaliner that he gets emotional thinking about the sacrifices that were made for us as a nation by ordinary men and women who have given their lives in service of our country and for our freedom.

“When you sit down, and you think about those lives that have been lost for us and what the debt of gratitude that we owe these people, it is a very emotional thing, and I think when most people think about it, really think about it, it’s as emotional for them as it is for me,” Robinson said.

Kaliner agreed, saying that he played that part of the speech for his audience on Tuesday.

“I got the message,” Kaliner said. “I think our audience got the message when they listened to the speech. Freedom isn’t free. It is paid by the sacrifices of those that lay down their lives to preserve our liberty. That’s the message.”

Robinson told Kaliner that his opponent, Attorney General and Democratic candidate for governor Josh Stein, also has nothing to stand on.

“My opponent has zero wins when he was in the legislature and zero wins now,” he said. “He’s standing behind a president that’s clearly not fit for office, and he hasn’t backed off of that.”

Stein said in a post on Monday on X of Robinson’s appearance at the church, “Someone who uses their platform to incite violence is NOT fit for any public office, let alone Governor of North Carolina. @MarkRobinsonNC is divisive, and his rhetoric is dangerous. We must not let him win this November.”

Kaliner told Robinson that although Robinson said he was disappointed in the media, there have been plenty of examples indicating they are not interested in the full context of what is being said. Robinson agreed, saying he doesn’t understand why they don’t get their mission is to deliver the news, not a narrative.

“They just seem bound and determined not to do that, and this is just another sad example of so-called professional newsmen using their First Amendment right to batter their opponents instead of actually delivering news to people, actually telling the story, actually telling what happened, actually writing what was said,” he said. “They love to do twisting word games, crop and paste.”

Kaliner said that Robinson’s speech tends to go against their narrative because his message is one of personal empowerment and that he “hammers away” in which people can make their own decisions without the government interfering.

Robinson told Kaliner that he is amazed at the lengths the media will go to, telling outright lies about the message he tries to get across.

“The depth that these people will delve into to try to demonize people who believe in the things that make America great,” he said. “The concepts that make America great like patriotism, standing up for our children, giving parents control of their children’s education. People who believe in limited government, making government small so people could be big. It’s just amazing to me the depth and just outright lies these folks will tell.”