Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses the potential impact of a smaller North Carolina state budget surplus than officials had projected. King offered these comments during the May 10, 2024, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “State Lines.”
Carolina Journal’s Donna King assesses changing NC budget surplus numbers
Reserve Fund Spotlight: Economic Development Project Reserve
The economic development project reserve fund: what is the money being spent on?
Katherine Zehnder
Reserve Funds: How They Work
Billions are set aside under "reserve funds" in the budget proposal.
Katherine Zehnder
House reveals budget proposal with large focus on education appropriations
The first budget draft of the short session was released on Monday night with a primary focus on funding education and state agency salaries.
Brianna Kraemer
Fund core programs or save surplus
Put money not needed for core services into savings or, alternatively, pay down state debt, which frees up recurring dollars no longer needed for debt service.
John Hood