John Locke Foundation Chairman John Hood and Senior Vice President Becki Gray assess the 2020 Republican National Convention. Hood and Gray offered these comments during the Aug. 28, 2020, edition of “NC SPIN.”
JLF experts analyze Republican National Convention
NC Senate passes bill to clear Opportunity Scholarship waitlist
In a move aimed at finally making universal school choice a reality in North Carolina, the state Senate passed a measure on Monday that clears the waitlists for Opportunity Scholarships and the Education Savings Account program.
NCSBE faces 3rd lawsuit over absentee ballot policy
The Republican National Committee (RNC), the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP), and a North Carolina voter filed a lawsuit against the North Carolina State Election Board (NCSBE) Tuesday in Wake County Superior Court challenging the NCSBE’s policy they say disregards election integrity laws requiring absentee ballot security envelopes to be sealed in order for the ballot to count.
RNC warns NCSBE to monitor Vot-ER for possible election law violations
The Republican National Committee is warning election officials in six swing states, including North Carolina, about a non-profit group that they allege may be violating election laws.
New poll shows a Trump lead in NC
A poll of likely voters out Monday from East Carolina University was in the field Aug. 26-28, and shows Trump leading Harris 48% to 47%, with 3% undecided and 2% planning to support an independent or third party candidate.