Dr. Donald van der Vaart, John Locke Foundation senior fellow, analyzes Gov. Roy Cooper’s decision to reject a water quality permit for the proposed Mountain View Pipeline. Van der Vaart offered these comments during an interview with Donna Martinez for Carolina Journal Radio.
JLF’s Donald van der Vaart discusses Cooper’s rejection of natural gas pipeline permit
State lawmakers advance health care bill as NC tops list of most expensive states for medical costs
The North Carolina General Assembly is making strides to address the state's high healthcare costs, with two Senate committees approving a bill on Wednesday that would disclose the cost of state government health insurance mandates on North Carolina employers and taxpayers.
Expand options to ease health costs
Giving physician assistants more freedom to deliver care isn’t a new, untested idea. It’s already happening elsewhere. North Carolina should be next.
JDIG grants worth $7.1 million terminated for failure to reach hiring targets
Two Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) grants worth $7.1 million combined were rescinded Tuesday by the North Carolina Economic Investment Committee (NCEIC) after two companies failed to create the required number of jobs.
Jackson sues landlords for using software algorithm to set rental rates
Newly sworn-in Attorney General Jeff Jackson joined a lawsuit alongside the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and nine other state attorneys general suing landlords for what they say is raising rent and "frustrating the natural forces of competition."