North Carolina has been under a state of emergency for nearly a third of Roy Cooper’s tenure. Is this a successful governorship?
Locke’d and Loaded: A perpetual state of emergency
Federal funds bring federal strings
President Donald Trump’s executive orders on education have some North Carolinians crying foul. When the University of North Carolina system moved to comply with Trump’s order against discrimination by federal contractors, for example, a group of UNC-Chapel Hill faculty members argued the resulting prohibition against requiring students to take diversity-themed courses threatened “shared governance principles.”...
Congressman-elect Tim Moore assigned to House Financial Services Committee
The House Financial Services Committee holds jurisdiction over policies related to the economy, banking systems, housing, insurance, and securities and exchanges. The Committee also has jurisdiction over matters related to monetary policy, international finance, international monetary organizations, and efforts to combat terrorist financing.
Change in Leadership: Batch replaces Blue leading NC Senate Democrats
North Carolina Senate Democrats have chosen Senator Sydney Batch, D-Wake, as their new minority party leader, following the long-anticipated decision by Senator Dan Blue, D-Wake, to step down. While the two are both from deep-blue Wake County, the shift indicates a change in tactics for the Senate Democrats.
North Carolina produced more than 1 billion pounds of turkey
Each year, an estimated 46 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving Day alone. More than 85% of U.S. turkey production takes place in just 13 states, and North Carolina is one of them, working hard to support millions of Thanksgiving tables nationwide.