January 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Watergate investigation. President Nixon had been seeking reelection. His “burglars” broke into the Watergate building and planted listening devices to learn about his opponent. His hardball politics soon caught up with him. A year-long investigation ensued, and Nixon eventually resigned rather than face impeachment. U.S. Senator Sam Ervin led the Watergate investigation, and his legal team discovered many unknown facts that became Nixon’s political undoing.
On January 17, two North Carolinians will discuss their significant roles (including the discovery of missing tapes) in the Watergate investigation, in a program at the N.C. Museum of History:
Rufus Edmisten, former Deputy Chief Counsel of the Senate Watergate Committee and former North Carolina Attorney General and North Carolina Secretary of State.
Eugene Boyce, former Watergate Committee Hearing Attorney/Assistant Chief Counsel and class action law, commercial litigation, and constitutional law expert.