Chris Cooper, professor of political science at Western Carolina University, analyzes the early work of the 2023 N.C. General Assembly.
Western Carolina’s Chris Cooper offers 2023 NC legislative session progress report
NC Medicaid expansion is hotbed for financial foul play
After expansion, total Medicaid enrollment in NC is now around 3 million, or 25% of residents. And research indicates 1/5 of funds are spent on “improper payments."
Gary Jackson
Reserve Fund Spotlight: Economic Development Project Reserve
The economic development project reserve fund: what is the money being spent on?
Katherine Zehnder
Reserve Funds: How They Work
Billions are set aside under "reserve funds" in the budget proposal.
Katherine Zehnder
House reveals budget proposal with large focus on education appropriations
The first budget draft of the short session was released on Monday night with a primary focus on funding education and state agency salaries.
Brianna Kraemer