So there once was a GOP Congress,
From the public sought at least a wan “yes.”
But its blunders and bloat
Lost the base and swing vote,
And a few wished it was neocon-less.

From Iraq to pork barrel to Foley,
Its performance seemed far less than holy,
Neither Rovian jolt
Nor some Jovian bolt
Could deflect a bandwagon so rolly.

To the side waited Nancy Pelosi,
Careful not to be seen by the nosy,
Since her ‘Frisco repute
Might the image dispute
Of a party more Reba than Rosie.

Out in front were the Sestaks and Shulers —
Made their foes look like Sleestaks, vile rulers,
With some help from a Dean,
A far better machine,
And some blogs with the taste of high-schoolers.

“It was fate,” spun each Red-faced consultant.
“Of an itch of six years the resultant.”
They blamed bias and bile,
History’s trends – all the while
All the Democrats just felt exultant.

Then they found waiting in the House foyer
Two Blue suitors named Murtha and Hoyer.
Though Pelosi liked Jack
Most Dems gave her a whack,
Deep and silent, escaped the destroyer.

Now there’s talk in D.C. of the center,
New political era to enter.
Can the sentiment last?
Dems, just look to the past:
The Third Way of Bill Clinton, the mentor.