Many good options if Trump wants to nominate a Southerner to Supreme Court
No one from NC has served on the court since Alfred Moore was appointed by John Adams in 1800. Could Trump pick someone from our state or at least the South?
No one from NC has served on the court since Alfred Moore was appointed by John Adams in 1800. Could Trump pick someone from our state or at least the South?
It is very difficult to justify a universal injunction against President Trump’s policy under current Supreme Court precedents.
Even in cases where North Carolina departed from canon law, that code still remained in the background, providing a millennia of guidance and wisdom.
The now-famous standard of “actual malice,” derived from the US Supreme Court’s Sullivan decision, has its roots in the decisions of 19th-century state courts like the NC Supreme Court.
Este jueves, la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos escuchará los argumentos orales en el caso Trump v. Anderson, que involucran si la Sección 3 de la 14th Enmienda excluye o no al expresidente Donald Trump de la boleta electoral. En muchos sentidos, el caso ha demostrado que la necesidad es realmente la madre de la...
This Thursday, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Trump v. Anderson, involving whether or not Section 3 of the 14th Amendment excludes former President Donald Trump from the ballot. In many ways, the case has proven that necessity really is the mother of invention. Up until now, Section 3’s history has received...
Standing is probably one of the most disliked doctrines in American law. Basically, it requires private plaintiffs in federal court (most state courts, including in NC, have similar rules) to show that they have been individually harmed by an action before they can sue to stop it. Since it is a procedural limit, standing often...
In early November, five departments at UNC Asheville sponsored an official event accusing Israel of “anti-Indigenous state violence” for declaring war on Hamas after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. While the event was condemned across the political aisle, there have been fierce disagreements about whether the university should have permitted the event to move forward...
For the past three years, the conservative legal movement in America has been split by a debate over natural law. Basically, there are two schools of thought. The first, called positivism, is embodied by the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who believed that judges should be bound by the text of the law as enacted by...
On March 29, the General Assembly voted to repeal North Carolina’s requirement to obtain a permit from a county sheriff before purchasing a handgun. The bill’s opponents, including North Carolinians Against Gun Violence and Gov. Roy Cooper, claimed that the bill would significantly increase violent crime by allowing criminals easier access to firearms. That was...
G.K. Chesterton once said that if you see a fence, ask why someone built it before you tear it down. This wise advice also applies to political philosophy. Very often, what may seem like meaningless technicalities in law are actually crucial bulwarks against state overreach and essential to the preservation of liberty. One of these...