Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez describe themselves as socialists. But neither one fits the classic definition of “socialist.” Roy Cordato, John Locke Foundation senior economist, distinguishes the two politicians from traditional socialists and explains why their policy goals would not lead to institutionalized socialism. Most of consider ourselves to be law-abiding citizens. But we might be breaking laws without our knowledge, thanks to the problem of overcriminalization. James Copland, senior fellow and director of legal policy at the Manhattan Institute, explains the problems created when a state has too many crimes on its books. Copland emphasizes the negative impact for small business owners who might face criminal charges when they run afoul of complicated regulations. North Carolina could be leading the nation in educational achievement if it had joined Florida years ago in launching reform efforts. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush delivered that message during a recent visit to Raleigh. You’ll hear Bush’s recommendations for N.C. policymakers interested in pursuing reforms. A congresswoman from North Carolina is leading a new charge against unfunded federal government mandates. The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx’s legislation targeting unfunded mandates. You’ll hear highlights from Foxx’s speech defending the proposal on Capitol Hill. The N.C. School Boards Association and local school boards across the state are heading back to court to get more money from state government. Terry Stoops, John Locke Foundation vice president for research and director of education studies, explains why the school boards are turning to the judicial branch to help secure more funding.
Carolina Journal Radio No. 795: Popular ‘socialists’ don’t fit the word’s definition
State lawmakers advance health care bill as NC tops list of most expensive states for medical costs
The North Carolina General Assembly is making strides to address the state's high healthcare costs, with two Senate committees approving a bill on Wednesday that would disclose the cost of state government health insurance mandates on North Carolina employers and taxpayers.
Trump issues executive order in support of K-12 school choice
President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Jan. 29 that directs several federal government agencies to redirect funds in support of school choice. The goal, according to the order, is “to improve the education, well-being, and future success of America’s most prized resource, her young citizens.” The order applies to the US Labor Department...
NC students perform above national average, but pandemic impact lingers
North Carolina students have performed at or above the national average on a key assessment on math and reading, but the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to pose challenges in closing achievement gaps, according to new data from the United States Department of Education.
New Carolina Journal poll shows continued dissatisfaction with education
Dissatisfaction with the state of K-12 education has climbed to 55% this year, but one of the most striking findings is the divide over whether the US Department of Education should be abolished.