Gov. Bev Perdue has announced she’s not running for re-election, but she has ramped up her attacks on the Republican-led General Assembly. John Locke Foundation President John Hood discusses Perdue’s statements about the state budget, her potential impact on Democratic candidates for governor, and her role in policy as her term winds down. Then we turn to transportation policy. People living in and traveling to one of North Carolina’s largest counties could face an extra half-cent sales tax, if Wake County leaders move forward with a multibillion-dollar transit plan. David Hartgen, emeritus professor of transportation studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, explained during a recent public presentation why he believes Wake should scrap its current plan and rethink the way the county approaches transit needs. Next is a closer look at the debate over the state budget. Americans for Prosperity North Carolina launched a recent campaign called NC Real Solutions. It’s designed to counter criticism of the Republican-led General Assembly’s budget. AFP state director Dallas Woodhouse recently discussed the campaign and its goals. That’s followed by a look at a great figure in history. You might know him as the first American president, the top Revolutionary War general, or just the guy on the dollar bill. But George Washington offers a great historical example for aspiring leaders. That’s the assessment of longtime marketing executive Mark McNeilly, author of the recent book George Washington and the Art of Business: Leadership Lessons from the First Commander-In-Chief. And finally, John Locke Foundation Director of Education Studies Terry Stoops analyzes the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction and the key issues the candidates will likely discuss.