From Carolina Journal Radio Program No. 703: State government has approved an average 24.3 percent rate increase for the only insurer that will provide Obamacare coverage in all 100 N.C. counties. Katherine Restrepo, the John Locke Foundation’s director of health care policy, analyzes the rate hike and its implications for the Affordable Care Act’s long-term viability in North Carolina.
N.C. faces another 24 percent Obamacare rate hike
Duke Health injecting race into care, firing doctors who object
Duke invited its employees to communicate with them about the science-backed anti-racism pledge, yet Dr. Conger was terminated after asking for scientific and clinical data to back its claims.
New Bern eye surgeon bolsters state Supreme Court case against CON
The New Bern eye surgeon challenging North Carolina’s certificate-of-need restrictions for health care providers contends a recent state Supreme Court decision helps his cause. Lower courts have rejected Dr. Jay Singleton’s case. He is asking the state’s high court to reverse those decisions.
The powerful council overseeing NC’s healthcare CON
The council and its members wield extraordinary power to determine the number, type, and location of new institutional health services in North Carolina.
Empowering innovation: NC’s path to lifesaving individualized treatments
The Right to Try Individualized Treatments Act allows patients suffering from serious or deadly illnesses to seek innovative treatments designed to their unique genetic makeup.