The Internet. Web cams. Smart phones. Face Time. Facebook. Twitter. New media are bringing the world to our fingertips. But what happens when new media are abused? Where is the line between free speech and a crime? John Locke Foundation Director of Legal Studies Jon Guze delves into North Carolina rulings on cyber-bullying and use of social networking sites by sex offenders, as well as legislative answers to problems that arise when explicit photos are posted online. Next, the English Department once was considered the prized jewel of a top-notch university. Today, though, many college English departments have fallen into decline. Jay Schalin, director of policy analysis for the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, explores key reasons for the change. Speaking of universities, some state lawmakers want to help prevent the problem of public universities enrolling students who lack academic skills necessary to stay in school and finish their degrees. You’ll learn why those lawmakers are taking a close look at a study of coordination efforts between the UNC system and state community colleges. Next, the N.C. Department of State Treasurer generated headlines recently by spending more than $1 million on pay raises for a handful of staffers who handle state investments. The treasurer’s chief investment officer defended the raises during a presentation for legislators. You’ll hear highlights from that discussion. Next, we delve into the impact of business rules and regulations on income inequality. JLF Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders explains how and why unnecessary licensing requirements on more than 150 job categories in North Carolina make starting a business and/or hiring workers very difficult and costly.