Basic flaws in the Affordable Care Act, along with political decisions the Obama administration has made since the law was passed in 2010, have created a problem of “adverse selection” for insurance companies in North Carolina. Katherine Restrepo, the John Locke Foundation’s health and human services policy analyst, defines adverse selection and explains why it’s leading to problems for the state’s health insurance market. Next, progressives have claimed for years that conservatives are motivated by greed and selfishness, mirroring the villain in the film “Wall Street.” But blogger and author Ed Morrissey says the “greed is good” mantra appears much more closely aligned with leading Democrats, especially presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. Morrissey shared his thoughts about progressive greed during a recent visit to North Carolina. Next, a recent zipline death in New Hanover County has prompted state lawmakers to order a study of potential regulation of the popular pastime. You’ll hear highlights from a recent debate on the topic. Speaking of recent legislative action, some lawmakers want to remove almost 30 primarily rural counties from the list of counties requiring auto emissions inspections. They say recent improvements in both air quality and automobile technology make the testing unnecessary and overly burdensome. The N.C. House recently debated the issue. Next, Gov. Pat McCrory cited his support for an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy while praising the development of a new wind energy project. Roy Cordato, JLF vice president for research and resident scholar, explains why an all-of-the-above approach to energy makes no economic sense.