
Light touch can make homes affordable

Because North Carolina is one of the seven states likely to determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, and also boasts highly competitive contests for governor and other statewide offices, local races may not be top-of-mind for most voters. Nevertheless, North Carolinians will elect hundreds of county and municipal officials this year — which...

John Hood

New bill aims to help North Carolina workers afford housing

"We have a workforce housing crisis in North Carolina," Sen. Paul Newton, R-Cabarrus, said. "Firefighters, teachers, and nurses across our state can't afford to buy a home. As a result, many North Carolinians are missing out on the American Dream and the opportunity to build generational wealth."

Alex Baltzegar

How North Carolina can expand opportunity

Having enacted major reforms of North Carolina’s tax code, regulatory system, budgeting process, transportation funding, and education system over the past dozen years, what should the General Assembly do next? Phil Berger wants to double down on the legislature’s impressive record of conservative policy innovation. “We must build on that success so future generations of...

John Hood

Affordable housing bill ‘will come back up this session,’ NC Senate majority leader says during panel

On Dec. 8 at Raleigh’s City Club, panelists from both the left and right sides of the aisle were largely in agreement that North Carolina’s booming urban areas are not seeing enough homes being built for how quickly populations are growing, and that this was increasingly spiking the price of homes to a place outside...

David Larson

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The NIMBYs come for North Carolina

For the better part of the past decade, residents have been fleeing high-cost, highly regulated cities like New York and San Francisco for more affordable urban areas like Charlotte and Raleigh, thus helping to fuel North Carolina’s impressive economic growth. But if “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) activists have their way, stricter building regulations — and thus...

Scott Lincicome

Charlotte’s new development plan sparks battle over single-family zoning

At the July 11 Charlotte City Council meeting, a long list of city residents and those representing various interest groups participated in the public forum on the second draft of the proposed Universal Development Ordinance (UDO). Those from community organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Neighbors For More Neighbors spoke in favor of the UDO,...

David Larson

Raleigh housing bond won’t make homes cheaper or more plentiful, critics say

Raleigh needs more affordable housing. But an $80 million housing bond on the election ballot isn’t a long-term solution. Deregulation and market-driven planning are better options, policy experts say. Affordable housing is possible when people are allowed to build, said Joe Coletti, senior fellow at the John Locke Foundation. The city introduced an $80-million housing...

Lindsay Marchello