
Charlotte real estate market expected to have strong year in 2024

Charlotte’s housing market will continue to see expanded growth in conjunction with growth across other sectors, while homeowners with low interest rates may be hesitant to sell, making inventory tighter.

Zach Rounceville

Dodd-Frank damaged housing market

Would it shock you to learn that a regulatory bill enacted in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis ended up hurting some of the very households lawmakers were trying to help? I didn’t think so. By now it should be clear to everyone that even the best of intentions are no guarantee of good...

John Hood

A movement for HOA reform and oversight is growing in NC

North Carolina stands as a beacon of vibrant communities and active civic engagement. Central to this are homeowners’ associations (HOAs), integral in shaping and preserving the charm and property values of our neighborhoods. Yet, in this election year, the time is ripe for us, the proud citizens of North Carolina, to address the growing issues...

Chuck Williams

Affordable housing bill ‘will come back up this session,’ NC Senate majority leader says during panel

On Dec. 8 at Raleigh’s City Club, panelists from both the left and right sides of the aisle were largely in agreement that North Carolina’s booming urban areas are not seeing enough homes being built for how quickly populations are growing, and that this was increasingly spiking the price of homes to a place outside...

David Larson

The NIMBYs come for North Carolina

For the better part of the past decade, residents have been fleeing high-cost, highly regulated cities like New York and San Francisco for more affordable urban areas like Charlotte and Raleigh, thus helping to fuel North Carolina’s impressive economic growth. But if “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) activists have their way, stricter building regulations — and thus...

Scott Lincicome

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Remove barriers instead of erecting new ones

Have you ever noticed how social reformers often want new government regulations to do away with behavior and outcomes that past government regulations helped create? For as much as they talk about the greed of capitalists and the power of government to change society, they seem to miss that people do change their behavior in...

Joseph Coletti