Donna King, Carolina Journal editor-in-chief, discusses challenges linked to North Carolina’s upcoming Medicaid expansion. King offered these comments during the Sept. 29, 2023, edition of PBS North Carolina’s “State Lines.”
Carolina Journal’s Donna King assesses North Carolina’s pending Medicaid expansion
House reveals budget proposal with large focus on education appropriations
The first budget draft of the short session was released on Monday night with a primary focus on funding education and state agency salaries.
North Carolina should quit this club
When it comes to regulating nurses, North Carolina is in an increasingly exclusive club. Unfortunately, the cost of our club membership far exceeds any benefits. In most states, nurse practitioners and other advanced-practice nurses have significant authority to treat patients without being subject to the authority of a physician. In Virginia, for example, they enjoy...
NC has 3rd highest charter school enrollment growth in nation
The Tar Heel state is third best in the nation for the growth of public charter schools during the pandemic, trailing only Texas and Florida, according to a new report by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. Nationwide, charter schools have gained more than 300,000 students since the 2019-2020 school year, while traditional public schools have...
Washington won’t fix health care
North Carolina’s Medicaid program will expand on December 1 to offer fully subsidized health plans to virtually every legal resident whose household income is at or below 138% of the federal poverty line. Notice I said “offer.” Many individuals and households who’ll now qualify for Medicaid are already enrolled in other health plans, either through...