Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee hearing featuring pointed questions for leaders of Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Kokai offered these comments during the Oct. 30, 2020, edition of UNC-TV’s “Front Row with Marc Rotterman.”
Help workers truly earn higher wages
As automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence keep evolving, the market for entry-level and low-skill workers will adjust accordingly.
Lawmakers push to ban China from buying up NC land
Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly want to prohibit hostile foreign governments, like China and Russia, from buying agricultural land and property surrounding military installations. The NC Farmland and Military Protection Act was filed this week by Reps. Jennifer Balkcom, R-Henderson, Neal Jackson,R-Moore, Jeff Zenger, R-Forsyth, and John Bell, R-Wayne. The legislation aims to...
NC revenue forecast shows $544M surplus amid scheduled tax cuts
On Friday, the North Carolina's Office of State Budget and Management and the General Assembly's Fiscal Research Division released a consensus revenue forecast projecting a $544 million surplus for the current fiscal year, bringing total General Fund revenues to $34.71 billion — 1.6% above initial estimates.
Coalition urges Congress to end costly green subsidies, citing economic harm
A coalition of organizations is urging Congress to terminate the subsidies associated with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the elements of the Green New Deal it codified in policy. The coalition, including the John Locke Foundation's Center for Food, Power, and Life, argues that these subsidies are counterproductive and impose undue financial burdens on taxpayers.