Last year the state legislature passed, and Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law, a package of election reforms that Democrats and their allies are challenging in court. But recently, a federal judge ruled that the reforms are enforceable for this November’s election. Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson explains the importance of the ruling, what is behind the legal challenge, and what comes next in the case. Then we turn to education news as thousands of North Carolina kids head back to school. If you’re a parent of a high school student, you might expect to be pleased to learn that your child plans to take a class in advanced placement, or AP, U.S. history. But Lindalyn Kakadelis, John Locke Foundation director of education outreach, says recent changes in that AP U.S. history class are raising red flags for parents and education advocates. Next is a look at an issue that has dominated news headlines for months this year. North Carolina lawmakers wrapped up the bulk of their work this summer without addressing new regulations for coal ash disposal. That doesn’t mean they ignored the topic. You’ll hear highlights of one of the competing coal ash proposals from Sen. Tom Apodaca, R-Henderson. That’s followed by a unique take on the benefits of school choice. Advocates usually tout the benefits for student achievement. Bartley Danielsen, associate professor of finance and real estate at N.C. State University, says school choice also leads to environmental benefits. And finally, we get a firsthand look at the climate change alarmism on display at the North Carolina Aquarium at Ft. Fisher. John Locke Foundation Vice President for Research, Roy Cordato, tells us about his vacation visit to the aquarium and finding that the aquarium is parroting progressive talking points about renewable energy and climate change.