
Senate Republicans pave way for nuclear fusion in North Carolina

On Tuesday, the Senate Rules Committee cleared a bill that helps pave the way for nuclear energy to play a significant role in North Carolina’s energy future. The bill revises the definition of renewable energy to use the term “clean energy” instead. Senate Bill 678 (S.B. 678) would replace the term “renewable energy” with “clean...

Alex Baltzegar

Visiting a nuclear reactor changed my perspective on energy

There’s still a lot of controversy surrounding nuclear energy here in the United States. People often fail to realize that nuclear energy is a zero-emission, clean energy source. I recently had the opportunity to visit the Burlington Nuclear Engineering Laboratory to learn more about the production of nuclear energy, and it’s clear to me that,...

Beth Reinhardt

Can House Bill 951 keep winter from coming to North Carolina?

Winter is coming. I know it’s hard to fathom amid a hot, humid North Carolina summer, but it is. Across from our beautiful beaches, The Economist predicts “Europe’s Winter of Discontent.” Disastrous public policies that increase dependence on unreliable energy sources and hostile foreign regimes have put the free world, including all of us here in...

Amy Cooke

Powering the future of North Carolina

Gov. Roy Cooper earlier this month signed an executive order prioritizing offshore wind energy as part of his administration’s Clean Energy Plan, which is focused on renewables to achieve goals such as reducing emissions by 70% by 2030. More recently, Republican lawmakers in the General Assembly have unveiled their working proposal to meet the state’s...

Jeff Moore

Forget the climate strike. Do something to improve the environment

Once again, a group of influential green groups and corporations are promoting a global climate strike. Today’s strike pushes young students to walk out of school and workers to leave work to protest the energy sources that keep us alive and thriving. Stunts like these may serve to raise awareness about the global climate, but...

Donald van der Vaart

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