
Target in Robeson video sweepstakes case defends game in court

The owner of video sweepstakes games targeted in a Robeson County case is asking the state Court of Appeals to reject a request from state law enforcement leaders. Those leaders want the state’s second-highest court to block a trial court order allowing the sweepstakes business to continue operations.

CJ Staff

Split state Appeals Court backs Cooper’s request in Forsyth sweepstakes dispute

A split panel of the state Court of Appeals has voted to block a trial court order in Forsyth County favoring video sweepstakes operators. Gov. Roy Cooper and state law enforcement leaders had asked the state’s second-highest court to take that step.

CJ Staff

Sweepstakes owners counter Cooper’s plea to overturn lower court injunction

Companies involved in a video sweepstakes dispute with Gov. Roy Cooper and top state law enforcement officials urge the state’s second-highest court to stay out of the fight. Cooper is trying to block a Forsyth County court order favoring the companies.

CJ Staff

Plaintiffs counter Cooper’s arguments in Forsyth video sweepstakes case

Plaintiffs in a Forsyth County video sweepstakes lawsuit reject Gov. Roy Cooper’s motion seeking a temporary stay from the N.C. Court of Appeals. Plaintiffs are asking the state’s second-highest court to let a trial court ruling stand while the legal battle continues.

CJ Staff

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