
Duke analysis: Dems face uphill battle to win N.C. ‘countrypolitan’ counties

Political observers frequently describe North Carolina’s political leanings in terms of a rural-urban divide. The metro regions break heavily for Democrats, the rural areas side with Republicans. That split makes North Carolina a key swing state in statewide and national races. But a new analysis from Duke University — written by Duke professor Mac McCorkle...

David N. Bass

Virginia governor’s race: Spinning the outcome for 2022

As Virginians head to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 2 to elect a governor, the race is under the watchful eye of the nation, particularly those political pundits and strategists looking toward 2022. The race has not only tightened as it got closer, as Republican Glen Youngkin has pulled ahead of Democrat Terry McAuliffe by about...

Dallas Woodhouse

Do limousine liberals control the Democratic Party? 

Believe it or not, the “limousine liberal” tag was first used by a Democrat to describe a Republican in a New York City mayoral campaign during the late 1960s. Back then, the Democratic Party was still largely cemented as America’s working-class party. Today, it’s an entirely different story. Few policies highlight that more right now...

Ray Nothstine

The case for amending the state constitution — again

As conservatives, we cannot overstate the importance of both the U.S. and North Carolina constitutions. Those documents set the framework for our government, with any additional laws or regulations falling within those parameters. Our system of self-governance allows for those documents to be amended, and the time to do so is now for the state...

Leah Byers

Experience in governing? Few Democrats are left in the GA who ever served in the majority

Eleven years after Republicans captured control of both state legislative chambers in the 2010 election, few Democrats remain who have ever served in a majority. Now their strategy is simple; oppose the majority.   Having so few Democrats with experience in governing is making cutting a budget deal particularly difficult this year. “It is always...

Dallas Woodhouse

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New census data puts GOP in good position at General Assembly

Part one of a three-part series outlining an independent analysis of census data. Two of North Carolina’s most accomplished political consultants have crunched the latest census data and predict Republicans will have a strong political advantage in both chambers of the General Assembly. Note that this is not a Republican/conservative view of how districts can be...

Dallas Woodhouse

Can Biden resist deeper attacks on capitalism?

Much has already been written about Joe Biden’s presidency. His plans that will expand the size and scope of the federal government receive the most attention. Biden quickly pushed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package through Congress, despite unanimous Republican opposition. This was on top of $3 trillion of relief passed while Donald Trump was...

Andy Taylor

Generational slavery was always their plan

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear about reparations: before you can support a resolution that calls for a commission to study the issue of slavery reparations for black citizens, you must first believe that today’s black Americans experienced slavery firsthand. There is no way around it. No one can make an honest argument in favor...

Ken Raymond

3 ways Democrats are undermining the rule of law

It shouldn’t be lost on the public that a growing number of members within the Democratic Party have been campaigning to undermine the rule of law and the judicial system for their political benefit. Furthermore, their political ends are divergent from the principles of a well-ordered liberal democracy. Their political messaging increasingly undermines the rule...

Joshua Peters

Upcoming North Carolina election dates in jeopardy

North Carolina lawmakers will not have access to critical census data needed to adjust municipal, legislative, and congressional district lines before September 2021, according to a report first published by the New York Times late Thursday. “The Census Bureau has concluded that it cannot release the population figures needed for drawing new districts for state...

Dallas Woodhouse