
Washington’s divided stalemate continues, but there is good news

Overall, Republicans excelled in Florida and did quite well in North Carolina. The state will soon be free from hyped-up judicial activism that paralyzes the people’s will and plagues our separation-of-powers principles. I wrote a column in August saying that Republicans in the state would outperform the GOP nationally. That assessment turned out to be accurate, but,...

Ray Nothstine

One nation, super-duper divisible

In high school, I was assigned The Atlantic reading “One Nation, Slightly Divisible” by David Brooks, where he describes adventuring from his home in Montgomery County, Maryland, to Franklin County, Pennsylvania. After crossing what he terms “the Meatloaf Line” from blue America to red America, Brooks details countless comparisons between the two—the “sophisticated and cosmopolitan” center...

Beth Kusko

Review: Mark Robinson’s unique story guides political life

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s life is shaped by financial hardship, family life, trains, churches, the military, and even professional wrestling. In other words, Robinson is an ordinary guy. Many political autobiographies are trite or even dreadful, but “We are the Majority!” offers much more than platitudes. His book provides interesting stories of personal failure and...

Ray Nothstine

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Hurricane relief prioritized by race and other outrageous stories

Couple contaminate drought-stricken town’s water supply by dyeing waterfall blue for gender reveal From the Independent: The environment ministry in Brazil is investigating a couple that dyed a waterfall blue for their gender reveal party, likely contaminating the water supply of a nearby town.  The couple faced backlash on the internet after they posted a video on Instagram of the moment...

Ray Nothstine

Outrageous stories: Signs of fascism are ‘white,’ ‘Christian,’ and ‘heterosexual’

Professor teaches class being white, Christian and heterosexual are signs of fascism “This school year, a group of California high school students were supposed to receive top-notch instruction from college professors, but one of those professors reportedly decided to inject politics into their lesson plan.” How politically convenient that these three attributes are the signs...

Ray Nothstine

The blowback on student loan forgiveness

Even if one only counts Carolina Journal opinion submissions, there is tangible anger over President Biden’s student loan forgiveness order. The administration is receiving plenty of backlash on multiple fronts. Those include the graduates that worked and paid back loans on their own, but the more politically damaging group is the working class that never even went...

Ray Nothstine

Big tent for me but not for thee: Cooper’s Democratic Party

The Democrats pride themselves on being a big-tent party; they claim to be the most diverse and welcoming among the two main political parties. However, they’re only welcoming and inclusive in practice if you are flying the same banner of progressive ideology and purist loyalty.   The “NCPOL Universe” got a dose of this in the past primary election...

André Béliveau

Republicans can win big by returning to greater focus on policy

If there is any single driver of American politics today, it’s division. Both sides are guilty of fanning the flames of our divisive politics, and some say Donald Trump took it to a new level. Instead of settling old scores, conservative candidates should focus more on pragmatic policy-focused campaigning.   There is little doubt that 2020...

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